Another golden eagle found poisoned in the Angus Glens
19 December 2013Once again, a young golden eagle has been discovered dead on a grouse moor in the Angus Glens. The victim this time was a two-year-old male called ‘Fearnan‘ – who was being satellite-tracked by SRSG member Roy Dennis. His corpse was found earlier this month in an area with a long history of raptor persecution. He had been poisoned. Further details of this appalling crime can be found here. The Scottish Raptor Study Group will be writing to the Environment Minister, Paul Wheelhouse, to express our deep concern that these crimes continue in 21st Century Scotland. We would encourage everyone to send an email to the Minister to express outrage and disgust and to urge further sanctions against the criminals in the game-shooting industry who are getting away time and time again. The Minister’s email address: