Tweed Valley osprey chick ‘first this year in Scotland’

16 May 2012

From the BBC website – An osprey chick in the Tweed Valley in the Borders is believed to be the first to hatch in Scotland this year. The bird was spotted by volunteers watching the nest where a first egg was laid a little over a month ago. Tweed Valley Osprey Project Information Officer Diane Bennett described it as “great news” for the area and ospreys across Scotland. The osprey family can be viewed on high definition cameras at Forestry Commission Scotland’s Glentress Forest and Kailzie Gardens, both near Peebles. Ms Bennett said: “The adults are old hands when it comes to rearing chicks – this will be their ninth brood to date. The adult male will be busier than ever now with more mouths to feed. He has already been bringing fish back to the nest and sharing it with his mate who in turn will feed the new chick. In a few days we will hopefully have more chicks in the nest to keep the proud parents busier than ever.” As part of the Tweed Valley Osprey Project, the chick will be ringed so that its movements can be monitored over it’s lifetime.